A suicide note I’ll never use.. And why.

It’s my own fault I’m in this mess. I can think back to so many decisions I’ve made that got me here. Like that first cut, or that first handful of pills, or that first group home. There really is no hiding the fact that I did this to myself. I’m paying for that now, and would continue to for the rest of my life. Seems like a selfish reason to take my own life, but it’s my choice, it’s my life. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, been trying to talk myself out of it, but what’s the point? I feel like I’m stuck in a bubble. People can see me but no one bothers to notice me. I feel trapped. I feel cut off from the rest of the world. Alone. Just me and my thoughts. I feel like I can’t connect with people. I feel unreal. Like I’m someone’s hallucination. I feel clouded. Forgotten. Why would I be remembered anyway though? I don’t want to exist anymore. I just can’t connect with people. I don’t belong. I’m sure I’m doing everyone a favour anyways. To anyone who may be affected by my death; don’t be. I was nothing.

I wrote this note a couple of months ago; I remember the day very clearly actually. I stayed home from school all week, didn’t feel like getting out of bed. It was raining and looked rather gloomy outside, the rain seemed to, not just make everything wet, but soak everything to its core. I was laying in bed, staring at my turn table that held our endless numbered days by iron and wine. I thought to myself; in the grand scheme of things I am nothing. Which is still true. But it’s true for everyone. On our own we are nothing, but together, oh boy, are we ever something. And that’s why I’ll never use this note. Because maybe my life doesn’t matter all that much. And my life will just be completely simplistic and meaningless. But I don’t care. I was put on this earth just like everyone else. Maybe for punishment, maybe for something else. None the less, I am here for a reason. We are all. 

About Tate Spencer

im just trying to make room in my head
This entry was posted in depression, feelings, group home, personal, thoughts, writing. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to A suicide note I’ll never use.. And why.

  1. First of all, your life does have meaning. The fact that you are talking about it makes meaningful. The fact that you share what you are feeling may make someone else happy for a moment. Sharing the story is sacred. We are all unique and have gifts to offer.

    Secondly, why do you feel guilty or, perhaps, anger, for stuff that is past. Can you find a way to let go and forgive yourself. I am not a religious person but the Serenity Prayer is perfect. Do you know it?

    While not a proponent of twelve step, I think there are some elements of twelve step that may help you. Feeling trapped is not the same as being trapped. Being trapped is doing nothing and that is a choice too. I think you owe to yourself and to others that care for you to keep the fight on. Find that hot spirit inside of you. We all have it. We just have to step back, focus on breathing, and let it out.


    • I have a tendency to drag things on and let them build up inside me. It’s something I have yet to get a handle on. I’ve never heard of the serenity prayer, but I’ll be sure to look into it. Thank you for your feedback!


      • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I think Rinehart was the author.


  2. bypolarlyght says:

    You might find some pleasure in knowing that you are helping others with your writing. All your life may be fraught with depressed thoughts, or maybe you’ll never experience it again, but you will find meaning, big or small, and your causes will lift you and make it all worthwhile. I’m not saying there wont be challenges or setbacks, but you seem to have a lot of insight for someone so young, so you’ve got that going for you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. apjane says:

    I’ve felt this way. And it was completely eye opening reading it from your point of view. I don’t know you, but in a way I feel like I do from our shared emotions and experiences. We are all struggling with personal demons and sometimes they get the better of us. Please don’t ever turn to suicide. You have a huge purpose in this life.


    • I love hearing that there are other people that have felt the same as me. It makes me feel less alone, isolated. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through tough times and I wish you the best in your future.


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